
Second Sunset Review of Shrimp Antidumping Duty Orders Begins

Today begins a process to determine whether tariffs are still needed to counter the harmful effects of unfairly traded shrimp imports on the U.S. market.  If you want to keep antidumping duties on shrimp imports, we need you to take action.  The industry must demonstrate support for the tariffs by the end of the month or the current duties could be eliminated.  SSA asks that you complete a form with information regarding your business to support trade relief.  Learn more about the “Sunset Review” and how you can help level the playing field:
In separate Federal Register notices published today, the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) announced the initiation of Five-Year Sunset Reviews of the antidumping duty orders on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam.
                The Uruguay Rounds Agreements Act in 1994 requires Commerce and the ITC to conduct reviews no later than five years after an antidumping duty order is issued to determine whether revoking the order would lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping (Commerce) and of material injury to the domestic industry (ITC).  The Sunset Reviews initiated today are the second sunset reviews of the antidumping duty orders on frozen warmwater shrimp.
                The notices published today establish deadlines for the initial phase of the reviews.  Entries of appearance by parties wishing to participate in the sunset review proceeding are due to Commerce not later than ten days after the date of publication of notice of initiation.  A notice of intent to participate from domestic industry members is due to Commerce not later than fifteen days after the date of publication of notice of initiation.  Entries of appearance by parties wishing to participate in the sunset review proceeding are due to the ITC by March 22, 2016.  A substantive response to the notice of initiation is due to Commerce no later than thirty days after the date of publication of notice of initiation, while a separate substantive response is due to the ITC by March 31, 2016.
                In determining how the Sunset Reviews should proceed, the ITC will evaluate whether a substantive response has been filed by parties that collectively account for a substantial proportion of domestic production of fresh and frozen shrimp.  Accordingly, the initiation notice asks the domestic industry to provide information regarding the operations of individual businesses within the shrimp industry in 2015.
To facilitate the submission of this information to the ITC, the Southern Shrimp Alliance has prepared forms for industry members wishing to support the continuation of trade relief.  Separate forms have been developed for (1) shrimp fishermen; (2) shrimp farms; (3) shrimp processors; and (4) shrimp wholesalers, non-processing shoreside facilities, shrimp industry associations, and other shrimp-related businesses and workers.
We ask that these forms be completed and sent to the law firm representing the Ad Hoc Shrimp Trade Action Committee in the administrative proceedings related to the antidumping duty orders no later than March 16, 2016 at:
                                Laura Riley
                                Picard Kentz & Rowe LLP
                                1750 K Street, N.W.
                                Suite 800
                                Washington, DC 20006
                The completion and submission of the form will identify the business as a member of the Ad Hoc Shrimp Industry Committee (AHSIC) for the purposes of participation in the ITC’s Sunset Reviews.  Because the information to be completed in the form involves business information, information provided within the tables regarding 2015 operations will be submitted to the agency along with a request for confidential treatment unless the person completing the form indicates that they wish to have such information made public.
The Federal Register notice initiating Commerce’s Sunset Reviews of the antidumping duty orders on shrimp is available here:
The Federal Register notice initiating ITC’s Sunset Reviews of the antidumping duty orders on shrimp is available here:
The Ad Hoc Shrimp Industry Committee form for shrimp fishermen is here:
The Ad Hoc Shrimp Industry Committee form for shrimp farmers is here:

The Ad Hoc Shrimp Industry Committee form for shrimp wholesalers, non-processing shoreside facilities, shrimp industry associations, and other shrimp-related businesses and workers is here:

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