
Closing of Louisiana Spring Shrimp Season in Portions of Shrimp Management Zones 1&2

Shrimp Season to Close June 19 in the Majority of State Inside Waters


June 16, 2015 – Today, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheriesannounced the2015 spring inshore shrimp season will close at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 19, from the Mississippi/Louisiana state line westward to the western shore of the Freshwater Bayoucanal except for the following waters:

  • Lake Pontchartrain, Rigolets Pass, Chef Menteur Pass, that part of Lake Borgne seaward of a line extending one-half mile from the shoreline,
  • that portion of Mississippi Sound north of a line beginning at 30 degrees 05 minutes 00.0 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 30 minutes 00.0 seconds west longitude; thence southeasterly to a point on the western shore of Three-Mile Pass at 30 degrees 03 minutes 00.0 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 22 minutes 23.0 seconds west longitude; thence northeasterly to a point on Isle Au Pitre at 30 degrees 09 minutes 20.5 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 11 minutes 15.5 seconds west longitude, which is a point on the double-rig line as described in R.S. 56:495.1(A)2,
  • the open waters of Breton and Chandeleur Sounds as described by the double-rig line
  • those inside waters south of 29 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds north latitude from 89 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds west longitude westward to the western shore of the Barataria Waterway, and
  • those inside waters south of 29 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds north latitude from 90 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds west longitude westward to 90 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds west longitude, and those inside waters south of 29 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds north latitude from 90 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds west longitude westward to 90 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds west longitude.

For a map detailing these closures please click here:


All remaining state inside waters as well as all state outside waters seaward of the Inside/Outside Shrimp Line, as described in R.S. 56:495 will remain open to shrimping until further notice.

The spring season for harvest of shrimp in inside waters of the state has been one of the shortest on record. Data collected in recent weeks by LDWF biologists indicate increased quantity, distribution and percentage of small, juvenile white shrimp within these waters.


The decision to close these waters was made to protect these developing shrimp and provide opportunity for growth to larger and more marketable sizes.


Recognizing the impact of such a short season in these waters on harvesters and related industries, LDWF Secretary Robert Barham has authorized certain restricted open water areas of Barataria and Terrebonne/Timbalier Bays to remain open at this time. The intent is to provide additional opportunity for harvesters to continue harvest in areas where white shrimp are somewhat less abundant and somewhat larger than in the interior marshes. These areas will be monitored, and if problems with compliance develop, these areas will be closed. They will also be closed when smaller white shrimp in those areas make it biologically inappropriate to remain open.


LDWF reminds shrimpers that there is a possession count on saltwater white shrimp taken in either inside or outside (offshore) waters of Louisiana of 100 count (whole shrimp per pound). This size restriction applies to the taking or possession of such shrimp aboard a vessel, EXCEPT during the period from Oct. 15 through the third Monday in December when there shall be no possession count on saltwater white shrimp taken or possessed. When more than 50 percent by weight of the saltwater shrimp taken or possessed is seabobs or brown shrimp, then the maximum allowable amount of undersized white shrimp taken or possessed shall not exceed 10 percent by weight of the total saltwater shrimp taken or possessed. If compliance issues develop, then the remaining open areas can be closed.

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at, on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter @LDWF.

For more information, contact Jeff Marx at (337) 373-0032 or . For press inquiries, contact Ashley Roth, 504-286-4162 or


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