Yesterday, information regarding new statistical breakouts in Chapter 3 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) covering shrimp imports was released by the U.S. International Trade Commission. Beginning Thursday, July 1, 2021, frozen, uncooked shell-on warmwater shrimp and frozen, uncooked peeled warmwater shrimp will be imported into the United States under new tariff codes that distinguish between farmed and wild-caught shrimp.
The changes to the HTSUS are the result of a petition filed by the Southern Shrimp Alliance that sought greater detail and accuracy in the reporting by importers of shrimp products brought into the United States. Several federal regulatory programs, including programs administered by NOAA Fisheries, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of State, distinguish between wild-caught and farm-raised imported shrimp. Nevertheless, prior to the refinements made to the HTSUS that will take effect this week, there has been no ability to track and monitor the relative volumes of imports of wild-caught shrimp versus shrimp produced through aquaculture.
Pursuant to the amendments, importers will be asked to import frozen, uncooked peeled warmwater shrimp produced through aquaculture (0306.17.0041) separately from frozen, uncooked peeled warmwater wild-caught shrimp (0306.17.0042). Importers will also be required to import frozen, uncooked shell-on warmwater shrimp produced through aquaculture (0306.17.0004, 0306.17.0005, 0306.17.0007, 0306.17.0008, 0306.17.0010, 0306.17.0011, 0306.17.0013, 0306.17.0014, 0306.17.0016) separately from frozen, uncooked shell-on warmwater wild-caught shrimp (0306.17.0017, 0306.17.0019, 0306.17.0020, 0306.17.0022, 0306.17.0023, 0306.17.0025, 0306.17.0026, 0306.17.0028, 0306.17.0029) distinguished by size.
The full table of changes as they will appear in the HTSUS is reproduced below: