On Monday, notice was published in the Federal Register of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (Commerce) preliminary results of the twelfth administrative review of the antidumping duty orders on frozen warmwater shrimp from India and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. These review proceedings cover shrimp imported into the United States between February 1, 2016 and January 31, 2017.
In the Indian administrative review, Commerce reviewed sales from two groups of Indian companies, Devi Fisheries Limited and The Liberty Group. Based on the information provided to the agency so far, The Liberty Group was preliminarily determined to have not sold shrimp at dumped prices during the review period, while Devi Fisheries Limited was preliminarily determined to have a dumping margin of 2.34 percent. That margin was also preliminarily determined to be the dumping margin for all other Indian exporters subject to antidumping duties.
If these preliminary findings are confirmed in Commerce’s final results, The Liberty Group will see its antidumping duty cash deposit rate fall from 0.84 percent to zero, while all other Indian exporters subject to antidumping duties would see their cash deposit rates increase to 2.34 percent. This, in turn, would be the highest antidumping duty rate applied to most Indian shrimp exporters since the completion of the ninth administrative review (2.96 percent).
Parties to the review proceeding will have an opportunity to file case briefs challenging Commerce’s findings within 30 days of the publication of the preliminary finding (April 11th), with rebuttal briefs due 5 days after case briefs are filed.
In the Vietnamese administrative review, Commerce reviewed the sales of a single Vietnamese shrimp exporter, FIMEX VN. The agency preliminarily found a dumping margin for the company of 25.39 percent. If confirmed in the final results, this would establish, by far, the highest antidumping duty cash deposit rate ever applied to Vietnamese shrimp exporters that operate independently from the Vietnamese government.
In stories appearing in Vietnamese news publications over the weekend, spokesmen for FIMEX VN and for the Vietnamese seafood exporters trade association, VASEP, stated that the high dumping margin was the result of a calculation error and that they anticipated that this would be corrected in the final results, lowering the antidumping duty cash deposit rate to less than 2 percent. The final results for the eleventh administrative review established antidumping duty cash deposit rates of 4.78 percent for the companies subject to that proceeding.
Commerce will next visit the facilities of FIMEX VN to verify the information that the company has provided to the agency. Once this process is completed, parties will have an opportunity to file case and rebuttal briefs regarding the agency’s preliminary findings.
Read the Preliminary Results of the 12th administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from India here:
Read the Preliminary Results of the 12th administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here: