Last week, the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) released documents that detail the proposed payment options, eligibility and substantiation criteria, and final payment methodology for individuals and businesses that claim to have suffered economic harm as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April 2010. The documents, including sample calculations for individuals and businesses, and expert opinions and reports that were relied upon in the development of the proposal, are below.
The GCCF has invited all claimants and other interested parties to respond to the draft proposal governing eligibility and substantiation criteria and payment methodologies. The public comment period will be open through Wednesday, February 16, 2011. Thereafter, the GCCF will adopt final rules for adjudication and payment of all Final and Interim Claims.
The Southern Shrimp Alliance has maintained communications with GCCF staff throughout the development of this proposal, and will continue to do so throughout the comment period, in an effort to ensure that issues and concerns affecting the shrimp fishery are addressed. One important issue that is addressed in this proposal, and has been confirmed by GCCF staff, is that final payments received by members of the industry will not be impacted by income that is earned now — payments for future damages will be based on losses incurred from the time of the spill through December 31, 2010.
We encourage members of the industry to contact the Southern Shrimp Alliance with any questions or concerns they have regarding the proposal.