
Improving Duty Collection

The U.S. trade laws can only help the domestic shrimp industry if they are enforced. Since 2006, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reported that it has been unable to collect nearly $68.9 million in antidumping duties on shrimp. Some portion of these assessed duties were likely eventually collected, but a significant amount have not and will not be collected. Further, CBP appears to have stopped reporting the amount of uncollected antidumping duties on all entries of imports made after October 1, 2007.

The SSA has conducted extensive analysis of trade patterns reported in official government statistics and commercial shipment data to detect and identify circumvention of U.S. trade and food safety laws. The data are used by the SSA to help enforcement agencies identify and address circumvention of the antidumping orders and food safety laws.

Supporting U.S. Trade Laws

4/20/10 Comments to Commerce on Retrospective vs. Prospective AD System,

3/11/09 Comments to the U.S. Trade Representative re Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement,

and found under Zeroing from

8/2/07 Testimony before the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade in support of legislation to preserve the integrity of our nation’s trade remedy laws
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