Currently, all vessels less than 79 feet are exempt from the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements but this will change on December 19, 2014 if the Bill to extend the exemption for vessels less than 79 feet is not passed. Because of conditions in Washington and the time remaining for congressional action there is a chance that the exemption will expire. This e-mail is to alert you to the possibility and give you information on your required actions if needed. The quick fix for this situation is to copy, fill out and place on your boat by 19 December, 2014 the Permit Authorization and Record of Inspection. You may not know anything about this EPA requirement because of the temporary exemption that is expiring on 18 December, 2014. Click on the link below to check out the requirements for compliance. Again you may not need to do anything if congress acts on the exemption Bill but if not you should do the quick fix and start looking at pages 7-15. Please pass this on.
Final 2014 Small Vessel General Permit (sVGP) (PDF)
Go to pages 7-15
2. EFFLUENT LIMITS AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS ( read and understand if the non-compliance Bills do not pass before 19 December 2014)
Next copy and fill out RERMIT AUTHORIZATION AND RECORD OF INSPECTION PART1 in appendix A Page 51 and keep on the boat after December if non-compliance Bills do not pass.