Responses to the fishermen/farmers and processors questionnaires issued by the U.S. International Trade Commission (“Commission”) in the third sunset review of the antidumping duty orders on frozen warmwater shrimp from China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam are due to the Commission no later than Monday, February 6, 2023.
The industry’s responses to the Commission’s questionnaire will be used by the agency to determine whether the antidumping duties on shrimp imported from China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam will remain in place for another five years.
Questionnaire responses should be filled out electronically, through the Commission’s MS Word-formatted questionnaires. Responses are filed directly with the agency, either by e-mail or through a secure drop box, following the instructions provided at the end of the questionnaire. The Commission asks that if a respondent cannot use the MS Word-formatted questionnaire to complete its response, the agency be contacted for further instructions.
The MS Word-formatted questionnaires may be downloaded here:
The questionnaires may also be obtained from the Commission’s website at this link (under “Other Documents”):
A .pdf version of the Commission’s U.S. Farmers’/Fishermen’s Questionnaire can be viewed here:
And a .pdf version of the Commission’s U.S. Processors’ Questionnaire can be viewed here: